Zinc cream for itchy skin

Anyone else get an annual patch of dry skin in winter? Both my kids get an irritated patch of eczema in their elbow pit come winter and we’re using Bedrock's zinc oxide ointment to calm it away.

Bedrock Balm is our zinc oxide anti itch cream made to quickly calm itchy skin. Purposed with 20% zinc oxide and nourishing botanicals, skin gets barrier protection and deep hydration.

Here are more exciting skin wins this month:

Lauren: I have a feeding tube, and until you’ve felt stomach acid on your skin, it’s hard to imagine how not great it feels. But this Balm gives me so much relief and protects my skin. I absolutely love putting it on when I’m having a rough time with my feeding tube stoma.

Elaina: I've always had bumpy, dry skin on my upper arms and nothing could fix it. Even if I lotioned every day. But the balm is just incredible. I put some on last night and my arms already feel moisturized and, well, normal!

Cynthia: Feels so good on my perioral dermatitis. I think it is better than the prescription I am using. Takes the itch away and helps with the dryness.

James: Derm had me use chemo lotion. Terrible redness and such…used Bedrock and healed in a couple days.

If winter is wrecking your skin bliss, use our zinc cream for itchy skin.

No winter lasts forever,


P.S. This is what Lara’s ear looks like with our zinc barrier cream before bed. She gets itchy skin in this spot with seasonal allergies and the Balm soothes it.

zinc cream for itchy skin bedrock balm