Bedrock in the news
The only reason I had my cell phone with me was to watch the clock for my 9AM conference call. I stepped out of the shower and saw a text from someone I didn't know. "Hi, it's Chris. Someone forwarded me your story and I'd like to interview you today for KING 5 news." My heart skipped a beat.
When I was getting ready, I explained to my daughter that when you do new things and feel nervous, it's a sign you are growing. It's hard but you have to do it.
Chris came over a couple hours later. I was expecting our interview to be in the front yard by our scrubby bushes. Nope! He thought the blue chair in our living room would be perfect. Gulp.
The kids huddled up in the hallway, and promised to stay out of the camera's view, but I watched the segment later and saw my son's leg moving in the background. Whoops!
A couple hours later, our family got our favorite take-out and watched the news.
Click here to see our skincare donation to healthcare workers. You can see where I live (our craftsman home built in 1920 with all the Christmas decor going on) and how Bedrock is supporting our frontline healthcare heroes.
Rachel | Bedrock owner