Founder story | Bedrock is heading to Oprah's house

I’m happy to report that Bedrock Balm, our protective skin cream, is heading to the big apple. NYC baby! She’s heading to Oprah’s house.
Well, not exactly her house, but O Magazine on 57th Street. And not exactly Oprah herself, but her Wellness Editor, who wants to test Bedrock Balm for herself.
You might be wondering how Bedrock got the nod for a ticket out there. I’ll tell you.
It’s because of you.
I pitch a lot of magazine editors, and although Bedrock is small, we have serious street cred from your reviews.
So Tammy, when you reported overnight success on that “rash down there”, and Molly, using Bedrock for chicken skin bumps on your daughter, and Annette, how your eczema went away in 5 days from our barrier cream for eczema, THANK YOU. Your stories got our foot in the door at O Magazine. You did your best, and now Bedrock Balm will do the rest.
P.S. - I’ll keep you posted on Oprah, but this is already a win in my book. Don’t forget to celebrate ALL THE THINGS every single day.