Let us feature you in the bedrock blog!

I love win-win situations and just thought of a good one we can pull off. Bedrock customers love hearing success stories from people like you.

You are a Bedrock fan, love our zinc oxide ointment skin protectant, and also have a personal brand, side hustle or business to grow.

Let’s join forces!

Apply to be featured on our anti redness skincare blog by answering the questions below. 

Here are the questions for you, please pick 3 - 5.

  • What does an average day look like for you?
  • What’s your best home hack?
  • What’s an easy thing you do to save 10 minutes a day?
  • How do you hack running a successful business?
  • What setbacks in your life turned into set-ups?
  • How did you get started with YouTube/Instagram/influencer?
  • What’s the impact you want to leave?
  • What’s your biggest beauty botch?
  • What’s the best thing about you?
  • What’s your superpower?
  • I never thought I would …
  • Biggest comeback
  • Biggest thing yet to come

Here are the Bedrock questions, please reply to all four:

  • What’s your favorite Bedrock product?
  • What’s your best tip for using it?
  • What’s your favorite Bedrock skin win?
  • What was your skin like before Bedrock? After?

Instructions for application:

  1. Answer the questions you chose above
  2. Email them to hello@bedrockskin.com
  3. Include your name, IG @handle, website or YouTube link, a headshot or fun candid photo of you (landscape please)

We’ll reply and let you know if you made it into the blog and email you the link.

To growing together,
