Natural cream for hemorrhoid

I’ve been trying to collect a hemorrhoid review for a very long time. If you don’t know what hemorrhoids are, bless you, don’t bother looking them up.
Your life is better for not knowing. Click away from this blog post immediately.

Back to the missing hemorrhoid review. It’s the strangest thing. I couldn’t get one for the life of me. If you read our barrier skincare reviews, there are juicy success stories about parched skin, dry chapped hands, psoriasis dry skin, ingrowns on legs, razor bumps on face, red irritated scalp, kids eczema, but crickets when it comes to ‘roids.

Until now.


Someone came forward, and although I can’t share her name, and she didn’t leave a review, she is real, and I heard her story first-hand. So you’ll have to believe me on this one.

Her story in a nutshell: she gets Hemorrhoids occasionally, especially when she flies long distances. Fortunately, she brought Bedrock Balm with her to New York when she unexpectedly had a flare-up. Bedrock came through by calming and soothing (and saved her vacation).

I’m guessing this anonymous woman didn’t think I would share her personal story to encourage all of you, but as you can tell, I handle secrets with care. I’m just glad she came forward to finally validate what I’ve been waiting to hear.

Need the best natural hemorrhoid cream? Buy Bedrock Balm.

Think zinc,


P.S. - it’s summer getaway season! Don’t forget Bedrock Balm is the best foot cream for cracked heels and our best best itching cream.