Nomination time! Bedrock gives Back.

Last holiday, we had a blast giving Bedrock to hospital healthcare workers in Seattle and we’re ready to give more this season.

Tell us who your hometown hero's are so they get the chance to receive a box of Bedrock. It’s your chance to be Santa (you can skip the white beard but we do want pictures).

Teachers? Grocery cashiers? Your hair salon or hospital? Who is wearing a mask all day and needs our blemish balm or anti redness cream?

Please submit your nominations to Include your name, email, city/state, and a paragraph pitch on who in your town deserves free Bedrock products (and the group size).

We’ll pick a couple of “winners” (they are ALL winners!) and keep you posted.

Bedrock gives back,


P.S. Need a restock for yourself? Shop here to get all our zinc skincare products in the Bedrock bundle for $10 off.

P.P.S. For my procrastinators: send that hero nomination in no later than October 6th!