Our baking soda free deodorant NAME REVEAL!
I went rogue again. Last fall, I asked you to chime into my family drama whether baking soda free natural deodorant has to be called deodorant.
In the poll, I didn’t tell you what side I was on, but I will now: the word deodorant is a little meh. I wanted something fresh and new.
Unfortunately, I was in the minority. Again. Most of you replied that deodorant was fine.
I wanted to listen to you. I really did. My friends say it’s dumb to ignore the data.
But I did it anyway. The word deodorant is nowhere to be found on our front label.
I’m proud to announce our no baking soda deodorant is called FRESHSTICK.
It’s GREEN, spiked with matcha green tea, and powered by zinc oxide. You are going to love it. It's the best deodorant for sensitive skin.
Let’s get fresh,
P.S. I’m not the only one who asked for an opinion hoping to get the answer I wanted. Riiiight? Sometimes you win and sometimes you do it anyway.