Our best holiday gift ideas

Bedrock lives to make your life easy, so we created a fake family to help you visualize gift ideas and make your holidays more merry.

Here we go.

Uncle Oscar is a mechanic and you notice his hands are always red and cracked. We recommend our hand barrier cream for mechanics to soothe and protect.

Grandpa Gerald is juicing now and quit carbs. You know antiperspirant is the next to go. Bring on the zinc deo Freshstick.

Little Ryder is only 6 but seems to be an adrenaline junkie. Tree jumping and bike crashes have him covered in owies. Time for our zinc first aid cream before bed. 

Mama Rover is a NICU nurse. PPE has her face furious. We recommend our maskne cream Bedrock Balm for barrier protection under her mask.

Aunt Midge complains about arm bumps and chicken skin. Skip her health history saga and opt for our skin smoothing cream.

Niece Nicki just turned 12 and you caught a little body odor the last time you saw her. She deserves an all body deodorant of her very own.

Sister Blake has the best cat eye technique. She’d love Porefector, our zinc oxide cream for pimples that doubles as make-up primer.

Cousin Phoebe just had a baby and you heard hemorrhoids got involved. Go Bedrock Balm, our zinc oxide cream for hemorrhoids and hope she reads the “try it on” list.

Nephew Otto has a great quarantine beard but blemishes keep sprouting up. Get him our zinc oxide cream for acne prone skin to keep those pores in check.

If you have good ideas of your own, send them over! Always happy to feature your family gift ideas on instagram.

Merry Merry,


P.S. Get 20% off everything til 12/12/20. No code needed. Free USA shipping.

family gift ideas bedrock