Quick fix razor burn bikini line

Finally, it's summer time. You shave your legs for the beach and then bam. Those dreaded bumps on the bikini area. 

If you have ingrown hairs on legs or razor bumps after shaving vag, you need our best solution for bikini razor bumps.

Bedrock Balm is the best ingrown hair cream because it has zinc oxide to calm and cool redness. Moisturizing botanical oils like organic calendula flower, shea oil, organic olive fruit oil and sunflower seed oil provide nutrients for sensitive skin and help clean and clarify pores. Our zinc oxide cream for adults smooths razor bumps on bikini area so your bikini line is soft.

How to use Bedrock Balm for ingrown hair bikini line or bumps on bikini area: make sure the area is clean and dry. Apply Bedrock to the irritated areas in the morning and before bed overnight. Apply more often as needed.

Bedrock Balm is concentrated and waterless skincare. It's super multipurpose for skin redness or itching cream too. Try it out today.