How to calm red skin on face

Summer is here in full glory, and hopefully you're outside and soaking up the great weather. Sometimes that summer can bring bumps, redness and skin irritation. We've got the best redness cream for you!

Check out Michelle's great tip using Bedrock Balm, our industrial barrier cream.

"Within a few days of receiving my Bedrock Balm, my sister in law came to visit me in the islands and ended up with a horrific sunburn. She tried cooling creams and aloe and neither of them touched the pain. Then I remembered Bedrock Balm.

She spread it on her blistered, peeling skin and within 30 minutes felt relief.

She used it over the next few days and it worked like a dream. Zero pain and a quick heal from then on. I would highly recommend this product for at least was a little bit magic! Next I'm trying it on my hands, which tend to break out with eczema when they get dry. Hoping I'll continue to sing this balm praises after I've given it a shot with that skin dilemma as well."

Michelle, super smart of you to think of Bedrock for the redness. Shop our best anti redness cream here.

industrial barrier cream bedrock balm natural zinc oxide cream